
Employment Support

Indeedcare /Employment Support

Employment Support

Assistance to Access and Maintain Employment

We offer personalised support based on the level and kind of support required for people to access and maintain employment. These services are aimed at fulfilling your career goals and objectives and help you develop your interests and skills into an income source. The IndeedCare team takes care of a smooth transition from school life to work life. We find inclusive work environments that satisfy your requirements.

We support developing hard and soft skills by offering help for resume preparation and job applications process, interview preparation, negotiating, understanding recruitment and joining documentation, preparing for the participant’s induction, personal hygiene, workplace behavioural expectations, money management, working independently, understanding rights and responsibilities at the workplace, etc. 

Specialised Supported Employment

We understand people may require a higher level of support and thus, we provide specialised support for employment. This includes helping you with maintaining your job, assuming more responsibility and looking out for better future prospects. 

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