
Household and Living Assistance

Indeedcare / Household and Living Assistance

Household and Living Assistance

Accommodation / Tenancy Assistance

Our team will aid you with finding a place that is fit for your lifestyle requirements and is in a good location. We assist you in finding all options and through the entire process of selection to documentation. At IndeedCare, we promise to help you find the most appropriate and suitable place for you to call home.

Assistance with Household Tasks

Our team will assist you with essential household tasks that you may be unable to perform independently, need assistance and/or supervision with. These include activities like cleaning, vacuuming, laundry, home and garden maintenance, mowing, preparing and planning meals, grocery shopping, etc.

Assistance with Daily Personal Activities

We provide assistance with personal activities like showering, dressing, personal hygiene and grooming, using the washroom, using mobility aids and other appliances, eating and meal prepping, taking care of supplies, etc.

Assistance with Daily Tasks / Shared Living

We provide assistance and/or supervision with daily tasks while you are in a shared living situation. The IndeedCare team aims to make you feel independent and assist you in living as autonomously as possible. This includes developing and enhancing domestic skills 

Assistance with Travel and Transport

We can help people that can not use the public transport by providing them more accessibility and enhancing their mobility. Our transport assistance is safe and convenient to travel to and from an educational institute, work, appointments, community participation events, etc.

Depending on the requirements, we can provide access to taxis, rideshares or other appropriate transportation and a support worker to accompany you. 

Assistance with Life Stage Transition

IndeedCare provides you support while you go through major changes like starting an educational course, renting a place, starting and continuing work, etc. 

With the overwhelming changes occurring in your life, we aim to be your strength and help you implement long term plans for support requirements, application and documentation for tenancy, understanding utilities and other bills, creating and maintaining a budget plan, etc.

Development of Life Skills

We provide assistance in developing and enhancing your life skills. At IndeedCare, we believe that understanding your objectives, personality and outlook towards life help us create a better support plan for you. We can help you gain confidence and independence by providing support for you for the following

  • Personality development, behavioural life skills training
  • Showering, using the washroom, dressing and personal hygiene 
  • Shopping for groceries, planning and prepping your meals 
  • Household tasks like laundry and cleaning 
  • Understanding your medical support plans and prescriptions 
  • Understanding your utilities and bills, developing and maintaining a budget plan 
  • Using the public transport
  • Developing skills for community participation

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